The meeting was held at the Parador de Turismo San Telmo de Tui, as a parallel activity to the Interreg Annual Meeting   The EGTC Rio Minho was one of the entities participating in the meeting that took place today in Tui on the visit of the...

The Coordinating Board also approved the document “Revision of the Cross-border Rio Minho Strategy 2030” Yesterday, Valença hosted a meeting of the Coordinating Board of the EGTC Rio Minho, in which the guidelines and schedule for the preparation of the Activities and Budget Plan for the...

The EGTC Rio Minho continues to take steps towards the revision of the 2030 cross-border Rio Minho Strategy, a document that has made it possible to frame the projects and activities of recent years and present project nominations for the territory in calls financed by...

  It’s one of the representatives of five pilot regions in Europe selected to participate in the project “Building more resilient cross-border regions” There will be two working days with meetings with Spanish, Portuguese and Galician government entities and with research staff and sectoral entities   The EGTC Rio...

  Today, the first steps were taken to revise the 2030 Strategy for the cross-border Rio Minho. The EGTC Rio Minho led this Tuesday a meeting with local agents and institutions in Valença to work on this initiative that seeks to draw up an action plan...

O órgano de participación do AECT Rio Minho validou o documento que marcará as liñas de actuación da cooperación transfronteiriza dos próximos 10 anos O  Consello Consultivo do AECT Rio Minho, presidido polo director do agrupamento, Uxío Benítez,  reuniuse hoxe na Escola Superior de Ciencias Empresariais...

Tras dúas xornadas de traballo, a visita institucional da AECT Rio Minho a Bruxelas rematou hoxe cunha serie de reunións co Comité das Rexións e na sede da Dirección Xeral de Política Rexional e Urbana da Comisión Europea (DG Regio) nas que, segundo informou o...

  Éxito de participación cidadá na primeira mesa sectorial celebrada este luns no marco da ‘Estratexia de Cooperación 2030’   Axentes sociais do territorio do Miño ven necesario que as administracións galega e portuguesa asinen un convenio transfronteirizo de emerxencias e aumenten a súa coordinación na loita contra...