The objective of the meeting was to advance the development of the five pilot projects of partner municipalities   This morning, 15 technicians from the Working Group of the REDE_GOV_MINHO project, co-financed by the Interreg 2021-2027 Program, met in Valença. In this second work meeting, progress was made...

The event was held this Monday in Valença and was attended by 33 representatives of municipalities, institutions and technicians from the territory The EGTC Rio Minho, at its headquarters in Valença, hosted this Monday, November 27, a workshop promoted by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation...

The meeting was held at the Parador de Turismo San Telmo de Tui, as a parallel activity to the Interreg Annual Meeting   The EGTC Rio Minho was one of the entities participating in the meeting that took place today in Tui on the visit of the...

Grazas a esta iniciativa do AECT Río Minho o festival crece con catro concertos nas eurocidades Tomiño – Cerveira e Tui – Valença A organización europea destinou un total de 15.000 euros para a dinamización desta experiencia cultural, como parte da acción 2 do proxecto...

O festival transfronteirizo ampliará o seu programa con 4 concertos nas eurocidades Tomiño – Cerveira e Tui - Valença O agrupamento europeo destinou un total de 30.000 € para a dinamización de experiencias culturais, como parte da acción 2 do proxecto Smart Minho A través da iniciativa...

A AECT Rio Minho destacou que esta é a fronteira máis transitada da península ibérica e un dos primeiros plans “transfronteirizos” do mundo O estudo abranguerá 26 municipios e máis de 3.300 km2 O territorio do Río Miño Transfronteirizo contará cun plan de mobilidade sustentable que favoreza...