


Building More Resilient Cross-border Regions: Multi-level Governance and Co-developed Strategic Regional Development

As part of the project “ Building More Resilient Cross-border Regions: Multi-level Governance and Co-developed Strategic Regional Development ”, the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG Regio) of the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE) selected the EGTC Rio Minho as one of the five pilot regions in Europe to participate in the project “Building more resilient cross-border regions”. This is an initiative that will last 15 months and aims to strengthen governance in cross-border spaces, with the aim of improving the quality of life of populations.


This project is based on helping pilot cross-border regions improve cross-border multi-level governance through a joint development of cross-border cooperation initiatives. In particular, the project aims to analyse the joint creation and implementation of public policies (e.g. cross-border fiscal policy) and services (emphasis on health, transport, education) in functional border areas.


15 months


European Comission & DG Regio