The EGTC Rio Minho participated today, at the Higher School of Sports and Leisure (IPVC), in Melgaço, in the seminar “European Territorial Cooperation: contribution to people's quality of life”, held within the scope of the Regional Dynamics Network meeting promoted by ADCoesão and CCDR-N, namely...

The event was held this Monday in Valença and was attended by 33 representatives of municipalities, institutions and technicians from the territory The EGTC Rio Minho, at its headquarters in Valença, hosted this Monday, November 27, a workshop promoted by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation...

The meeting was held at the Parador de Turismo San Telmo de Tui, as a parallel activity to the Interreg Annual Meeting   The EGTC Rio Minho was one of the entities participating in the meeting that took place today in Tui on the visit of the...

   The director, Roberto Carrero, participated in a workshop on how to solve obstacles in cross-border regions   Today began the Interreg Annual Meeting 2023 in Santiago de Compostela, where the director of the EGTC Rio Minho, Roberto Carrero, participated in the workshop: “Working on cross-border obstacles: focal...

The EGTC Rio Minho participated in the II Meeting of European Territorial Cooperation Groupings of the Iberian Peninsula 2023, in Vigo, which ended yesterday with two days of presentations, talks on cooperation and sharing ideas. The meeting, organized by the EGTC Galicia – North of Portugal,...

The General Directorate of Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have selected the EGTC Rio Minho as one of the representatives of five pilot regions throughout Europe to participate in the launch...

O AECT Rio Minho e o AECT Go (Italia-Eslovenia) coorganizan un workshop sobre as peculiaridades dos ríos fronteira e o seu potencial como ferramenta de cohesión territorial no marco da celebración dos Side Events encadrados na Semana Europea das Rexións e das Cidades (#EURegionsWeek). Trátase dunha...

A ‘Estratexia 2030’ e a creación da marca ‘Río Miño’ foron as dúas iniciativas máis destacadas polo director do AECT de entre as que está a desenvolver o agrupamento O director do AECT Rio Minho e deputado de Cooperación Transfronteiriza, Uxío Benítez, asistiu onte ao “I...

Tras dúas xornadas de traballo, a visita institucional da AECT Rio Minho a Bruxelas rematou hoxe cunha serie de reunións co Comité das Rexións e na sede da Dirección Xeral de Política Rexional e Urbana da Comisión Europea (DG Regio) nas que, segundo informou o...