The event was held this Monday in Valença and was attended by 33 representatives of municipalities, institutions and technicians from the territory The EGTC Rio Minho, at its headquarters in Valença, hosted this Monday, November 27, a workshop promoted by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation...

This was the first of two “peer to peer” knowledge exchange meetings between the five regions participating in the project that try to promote dialogue on cross-border governance, decision-making mechanisms and strategic planning for cross-border development. The EGTC Rio Minho presented its experience in cross-border governance...

This was the first of two "peer to peer" knowledge exchange meetings between the five regions participating in the project that try to promote dialogue on cross-border governance, decision-making mechanisms and strategic planning for cross-border development. The EGTC Rio Minho presented its experience in cross-border governance...

  It’s one of the representatives of five pilot regions in Europe selected to participate in the project “Building more resilient cross-border regions” There will be two working days with meetings with Spanish, Portuguese and Galician government entities and with research staff and sectoral entities   The EGTC Rio...

The General Directorate of Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have selected the EGTC Rio Minho as one of the representatives of five pilot regions throughout Europe to participate in the launch...

O estudo, promovido polo AECT Rio Minho a través da iniciativa da Comisión Europea "B-Solutions", contará coa presenza da experta nesta materia, María Gamayo. O AECT Rio Minho ten programado dende hoxe e ata o vindeiro venres máis dunha decena de visitas e encontros con axentes...

O estudo, promovido polo AECT Rio Minho a través da iniciativa da Comisión Europea "B-Solutions", realizarase do 9 ao 13 Unha experta xurídica da Comisión Europea analizará in situ do 9 ao 13 de setembro os obstáculos legais para a mobilidade transfronteiriza no territorio do río...

O financiamento chega a través da iniciativa B- Solutions de proxectos piloto nas fronteiras da UE O Agrupamento Europeo de Cooperación Territorial do Rio Minho (AECT Rio Minho) recibíu a aprobación dun novo proxecto no marco da iniciativa B-Solutions, promovida pola Asociación das Rexións Fronteirizas Europeas...