The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation of the Rio Mino makes a positive assessment of the activities promoted throughout this year. From here we want to point out some of the most prominent: The revitalization of the Observatory of Cross-border Dynamics of the Rio Minho ...

As part of the revitalization of the Arbo-Melgaço-As Neves, Caminha-A Guarda-O Rosal and the Tomiño-Cerveira Eurocity Cross-border Urban Agendas, they are launching a survey to give citizens a voice   The survey will be available until January 15, at the be address   The preparation of the Rio...

The EGTC congratulates and shares the joy of the Galician-Portuguese association Ponte… nas Ondas! for having become part of the Unesco’s Register of Best Practices, maximum recognition possible for their more than 20 years of exemplary work for the Minho cross-border immaterial culture. The verdict...

The EGTC Rio Minho and the Committee for the Development of the Uruguay River Basin (CCRU) – river border that connects Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay – signed yesterday a collaboration protocol between the two entities to continue the exchange of experiences on water border management....

A delegation of the Committee for the development of the triple border of the Uruguay River -which connects Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil-, composed of 15 people including technical staff and representatives of local entities from the three Latin American countries, arrived today in the territory...

Once the worktables have been completed, the municipal teams of the territory and the EGTC Rio Minho held a new online meeting today in the framework of the preparation of the Cross-border Urban Agendas of the Rio Minho to prepare the citizen participation process that...

The EGTC Rio Minho attended today in Ayamonte the launch seminar of the new Spain-Portugal Interreg Program (POCTEP) 2021-2027, the cross-border cooperation program of the European Union, endowed with a total investment of 427 million euros between the years 2022 and 2027. This new funding period...